<!-- allow references to any resources you might add to the folder -->
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="vbscript">
Const g_nCR = 13
Const g_nLF = 10
Function TranslateCRs(strIn)
Dim strOut
strOut = ""
While 0 < Len(strIn)
if Asc(strIn) = g_nCR then
strIn = strIn & " "
strIn = Right(strIn, Len(strIn) - 1)
strOut = strOut & Chr(Asc(strIn))
end if
strIn = Right(strIn, Len(strIn) - 1)
TranslateCRs = strOut
end Function
// To localize
var L_Intro_Text = "";
var L_Multiple_Text = " objects selected.";
var L_AnonymousUserName_Text = "Anonymous";
var L_MOTDDialogTitle_Text = "The server has provided the following message about using the server:\n\n";
var L_TooltipLoginButton_Text = "This button will display the Login dialog to allow you to login under a different username. This is most often needed when the server won't give you access under the current user.";
var L_ToolTipEmailAddress_Text = "This is the e-mail address that will be provided to the server to identify you when you login anonymously.";
var L_TooltipPassword_Text = "This password and the user name above will be used to attempt to relog you into the server when you click on the 'Login' button.";
var L_ToolTipUserName_Text = "Enter a different username and click 'Login' to login as another user.";
var L_TooltipAnonCheckBox_Text = "Turning this on and clicking the 'Login' button will log you into the server anonymously, which the server may or may not allow. The e-mail address you provide below will be given to the server.";
// Do not localize
var g_strUserName;
var g_strPassword;
var g_strEmailAddress;
var g_strAnonymous = "Anonymous"; // Do not localize
function FixSize()
// this function handles fixed panel sizing and collapsing when the window resizes
<LABEL FOR=ID_StaticUserName id=lockhack2> User Name: <SPAN ID="ID_StaticUserName"> </SPAN> </LABEL>
<!-- No Login DIV By Design -->
<!-- the message of the day will be inserted here by the script. -->
Use 'Copy To Folder' on the File menu to download files and folders to your computer. <A HREF="javascript:ID_FTPWebView.InvokeHelp()"> Click here</A> for other useful hints.<BR>